Upon waking up this morning, I realised something!
This was a wonderful notion to start my day. I couldn't help but feel more happy than I have done of late. So in dedication, here are things that make me happy!!
Sunshine! It's wonderful. It cheers us all up. Releases super happy feelings! And that's what has happen for me today.
Remembering a funny thing that happened on the way home the previous night from work!
Oh yes, it gave me and a close friend a right giggle.
Just as this college (to overseas - this is post-16 education for the uk) girl jumped off the bus she shouted back to my mate "you're well fit love".
Superb. My friend found this excellent, and said to me "gotta have a fan club". <3 tart haha.
I decided to go pin up again for work. The quiff, the curls, everything!

My dad made me this gorgeus fruit salad for work. It was so scrummy it got eaten just after taking this photo!
Apples, red and black grapes, melon, pineapple. Yummy in my tummy.

So I hope you all have a really good day, and that my happy vines rub off on you all!
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