Now me and the tall one have a garden, I feel compelled to show off photos of our weekend enjoying the pretty garden.

We have a tree in the corner by the shed that was very over grown, Paul wanted to chop it back to make it more accessible.

So naturally I had to add flowers, and bird feeders to make it much nicer.

We had an extremely overgrown honeysuckle plant. That's the half way hair cut stage.

We chopped it right back. We're going to repair the fence and the trellis, only so it grows much better.

As the patio felt left out, here is the narcissi, hyacinth, lavender, tulips and daffodils all potted up to make it all pretty.
Ahh I love my garden :)
I bet your all wondering what will be happening to all the wood from the tree and honeysuckle?
The tree wood is being given to some friends of mine and Paul's who have a log burner. They are pyromaniacs (this I love dearly about them), and need the warmth in their pretty house, so I've offered it to them.
The honeysuckle is getting taken to the tip to be incinerated.
There you have it. Got lots more to go, but I'm really feeling such positive vibes with this house :)
- Posted on the move from my iPhone
Location:Wellingborough Rd,,United Kingdom