Wednesday 13 April 2011

Half Way into April Already?!

I'm in a little bit of shock as it's my younger sister's birthday tomorrow and she will be the grand (and frustrating) age of 15!

It makes me think how time does fly, and how much we should be treasuring the moments we have.

Today, until 3pm, I will be treasuring the fact I can crochet, drink tea and eat as much of my favourite things. Tomorrow, I will also treasure those moments, a long with knowing I may end up cooking a meal for my fiancee :)

Well, what has been up here. Not much to speak of unfortunately.

I did have a shock while in WhSmiths in Northampton at the end of last month. I was talking to a lady in the cue about where I work, and about me having a blog that keeps me sane. Then I was acossted by one of you lovely people!! Pennyblossoms found me! Haha. It was so funny as I didn't know how to react. I got all flustered while paying for my crochet magazines. The woman on the checkout was in fits of giggles over this. Needless to say, my collegues at work all thought I was slightly daft - nothing new there haha.

I was spied. Spotted. And I feel blessed again for this. Knowing that people can greet me in the street, whether it's regarding my blog, or Ravelry, or even from other forums. I welcome it!

Right I really should get on and off the internet :) Love to you all xxx

1 comment:

  1. That WAS quite a weird coincidence wasn't it?!!!!
    It was great to meet you, albeit fleetingly!
    I have a little Award for you over on my Blog.
    Z xx
