Monday 17 May 2010

Many many photos! Stitch Markers and more!

Okay I have been abit busy preparing for my move from one town to another. And to some degree I am glad that I have infact moved all my craft supplies together.

In the first two weeks of June, we are going to be getting the internet installed. We will also be transforming one very little room into a crafty haven for myself. The tall one has requested a shelf and a box for comics, and his hardwear for computing. I've granted it only because majority of the stuff in that room is mine, all mine!!

Now onto some pretty photos of my recent crafty escapades!!

Sets of 1;

Sets of 2;

Sets of 3;

Sets of 4;

Sets of 5;

Sets of 6;


Very busy indeed! I'm determined to work on loads for my Etsy shop; that is currently closed until me and OH have internet in the new place :(

So yes indeedy! All the items above will be available to buy in June!!

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