Wednesday, 26 October 2011

He's put up with me! 5 years now!

Hello hello hello!!

I thought I'd choose a different topic today :) it's mine and my fiancees 5 year anniversary!! Wooo. Gosh what a ride so far.

This past year has been particularly tough due to almost loosing my job last year, being extremely tight for cash, going through a move out then back into our flat, loosing my grandfather, working two jobs, getting rushed into hospital, his grandad undoing a hip op that has to be re-operated on, my grandad being rushed into hospital, and trying to get our car to keep going through all of this.

Our lives are currently a jumble, we don't know whether we are coming or going, and stress has been setting in hard.

We were thankful to have support and love of some amazing family and friends :)

Now just to wait for the arrival of the lovely one, he's just got back from the shop :p

We've got a long road ahead of us, and we can only travel forward xx

- Posted on the move from my iPhone

Location:Blackfriars,Rushden,United Kingdom

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Crafty show off again!

It's been a little while, and a tad chilly again! UK weather systems can never make their minds up eh? Haha!

Show off of more goodies!!!

Baby Bits!


Flower Embellishments

Stupid Blogger took forever to get these photos, cursed item *enter angry grumble here*....

But yes, what do you all think? Ears or no ears for the first hat :)

They'll be up on Etsy by the end of tonight, along with two set of fingerless mitts as well!!

TTFN!!! xx

Friday, 7 October 2011

Silver lining

Hello all!!

Well, I bring good news. I got a letter last week saying I've got an appointment booked in for a check up on my evil kidney stone! On 27th October I will finally find out if said kidney stone has passed naturally, if not, I will be in for 2 days for it to be blasted with an ultrasound. Oooer!

But, as I was feeling a bit glum I bought me a little present (well.. more than just one of course). The gorgeus "Cute & Easy Crochet" book by Nicki Trench. Amazinggggg!!!!!!! And some gorgeus eyeshadows from Noella Beauty Works in Lime, Deep Waters, Pistachio, Silver Moss, and a small grab bag! How good do I feel :) Bloody fantastic.

How's the job going you ask? Well, like any new job, I have my good days and my bad ones. But I've been told by my managers, my area manager, and the regional trainer that I put myself down too much (now you'll all know that I do that a bit too frequently), and should believe in myself a bit more.
On the plus side, I got invited last Thursday round a work friends' house / flat for an Ann Summers party. So very funny!

Me sporting one of the dress up sailor outfits (IN A UK SIZE 16!!!!! Success!), and my gorgeus work friend, Sam. There are two other lovely ladies (including the set of eyes) sporting dress up outfits.
I forgot to mention, my tall one had his first prang in the General Chang (his little red Ford KA, please note he is a Star Trek nerd). A Toyota Yaris got a bit too close for comfort. Had to buy a new door for General and got our land lady, who is a registered mechanic, to fix it with Paul while I went Lush shopping!!  All is fine now,  just getting Paul's confidence up.

So, as you can see life is still having it's up and downs, but I know there always will be a silver lining.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Quick post on the way to work

Hello hello!

I have some crochet to show you all! Yes I do!!!

Two hats I finished in the past week :)

Both are available to buy, and I'm making these hats only out of oddments. (to which I have a rather large stash!!)

The bottom hat will have some little mittens to go with so watch this space ;)

- Posted on the move from my iPhone

Location:Blackfriars,Rushden,United Kingdom

Monday, 3 October 2011

Pretty Beading

I've been beading again! Yayyyy! How I've missed it. Just the thing to do on a day off work, and to get sorted for Christmas.

Would you like to see the creations of today?

Custom Bag Charm, interchangeable hearts, and baby feet charm for bracelet
If you want to see more posts and updates, please do add me:

And my Etsy!

:D Loves you all xx

Saturday, 1 October 2011

October? Summer time? Picnics?!

Gosh is it really October already?! I was a little in shock when I saw my calender first thing this morning. But with the soaring heat you could be mistaken for it being July or even August!

We (me and his tallness) decided to go on a little jaunt to our local country park. Irchester Country Park is beautiful! Irchester Country Park information as provided by East Northants County Council.
I'm afraid I don't have many photos if any, but here are some from our last trip there;

How stunning? Don't mind my tall one pulling funny faces in the tree. This was back in March where we took one of the buses and spent about 3 hours just walking about.

I'm working on Christmas presents despite the heat. So far I have my youngest sister's pressie on the go, I'm about to start on something for Paul's cousin, and some more goodies for Etsy too.

But I'll be back at least a couple of times this week <3 Promise